Sunday, October 22, 2006

Fall is incredible in Portland!

Fall is so much fun here! As you can see, we got a pumpkin that's bigger than Lu. And of course, she only cares about whether or not she can eat it. Tania also got a little tiny pumpkin from a lady who lives across the street. People here have pumkins ang other squash of all shapes and sizes growing in their front yards.

The leaves are changing colors, and it's just so beautiful. I've never been in a place during fall that has seasons. So I'm just awed by all of the extraordinary colors. I must look like a crazy person picking leaves off of the trees all of the time.

It is getting a bit colder, but we have still had some warm days, like today.
We went to the playground and hung out with some friends. While Tania played, we watched a Little League game and enjoyed some gourmet icy-cold Pabst Blue Ribbon. I had to take some photos because the sky was so blue, but the trees were all kinds of colors. I know we only have a few days left like today.

We are getting ready for Halloween. We're going to be witches. Joey might not be a witch. I think men have a need to be pains in the ass at Halloween time and end up just wearing regular clothes. Meh. Tonight, I think we'll do some Halloween crafts, but we won't carve the pumpkin until it's closer to Halloween.

Oh! Talula is four months old today! I can't believe how quickly the time has passed. Then again, Tania is almost eight, so I guess I can believe it.

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